Monday, January 26, 2009

Extremely Brief Update

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Day two in Cambodia and I still have both my legs firmly intact and not blown off. Must be doing something right. I slept fairly well, despite the appliances of my room cavorting together to make my night miserable. My overhead fan, though a very important piece of equipment, screeches out a high pitch wail for oil every full rotation. Traveling in uncomfortable circumstances has prepared me for such little annoyances though and I can easily ignore it. Luckily, the sound is rather high pitch and melodic so I can convince my tired brain it's merely some exoctic tropical bird. Seems to be working so far. Aside from that, the basic buzzes of powerlines outside and the din that seaps through the thin walls are merely little welcoming whispers of the region and don't really bug me.

Speaking of which, I have yet to encounter a single mosquito. When I first noticed their absence I figured it might as the little refuge girl had warned in the second Alien movie: "they mostly come out at night...mostly." (yes, I just quoted Aliens. Are you really that shocked)? So, naturally when night fell on my first day I was backed onto the corner of my bed, clutching my DEET and preparing for the impending didn't come. Yet. Though mark my words, when I see the squall of Volkswagen sized harbingers of Malaria rushing my way, I will be ready. Oh yes. I will be ready.

Note: I may have watched one too many Southeast Asian guerrilla warfare movies prior to coming here...

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