Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ode To a Mangosteen

I realize that the last entry I posted was, well, just a BIT of a downer. Sorry. I know you probably just want the happy little adventurous anecdotes to skim through while putting off work. Its depressing nature is probably why it took me so long to write it, too. So, to balance out the traumatic images you may now associate with SE Asia, I hope to lure you back to finding it a favorable place with a little tribute to one of it's many mouth-watering fruits.


I polish the dark ruby soaked rind of the small orb as if it actually were a precious jewel. I tease the tops of my fingers over the small button leaves, tickling the tiny nub of a stem with my thumb, until the temptation breaks me.
I have literally been waiting years for this moment.
I work my fingers under the small scooped leaves and slowly pry them away, until the center connection concedes, popping off the superfluous foliage to reveal a small dime-sized divot.
Perfectly ripe.
I start to salivate in anticipation.
I dig my finger into the waiting hole and tentatively work it back and forth until the skin gives. I then grip either end of the opening and gently squeeze both sides, until a crack forms and splits the thick meaty rind in two, revealing my prize...
A small white citrus gem glows back at me.
I peel a glistening wedge away from its companions and let the wet segment slip between my fingertips. I raise it to my mouth and let it slide across my lips, piercing it on my front teeth, letting the juice pop onto my tongue and drip down the crevices of my fingers...
And here's where have to cut away.
I wish I could describe the taste to you, but at this point, all else fades away as I melt into it, and lose myself in a sort of sensory overload as it were. I can tell you my eyes fluttered into the back of my head. Besides that, any other description might be deemed a bit too graphic for blogging.

Whoever decided apples were the fruit of temptation?

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